Ten Simple suggestions as a concrete technique to use generally in solving your problems:
1) Believe that for every problem there is a solution.
2) Keep calm. Tension blocks the flow of thought power. Your brain cannot operate efficiently under stress. Go at your problems easy-like.
3) Don't try to force an answer. Keep your mind relaxed so that the solution will open up and become clear.
4) Assemble all the facts impartially, impersonally, and judicially.
5) List these facts on paper. This clarifies your thinking, bringing the various elements into orderly system. You see as well as think. The problem becomes objective, not subjective.
6) Pray about your problem, affirming that God will flash illumination into your mind.
7) Believe in and seek God's guidance.
8) Trust in the faculty of insight and intuition.
9) Go to place of worship and let your subconscious work on the problem as you attune to the mood of worship. Creative spiritual thinking has amazing power to give "right" answers.
10) If you follow these steps faithfully, then the answer that develops in your mind, or comes to pass, is the right answer to your problem.
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