NSE Ticker

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Everything is possible

Nothing is impossible

Dreams always come true says Sachin Tendulkar recently in a interview by CNN IBN, Sachin Tendulkar says "we have to dream big and work hard to make the dreams come true".

So, dream BIG from now, be optimistic, think positively, never give up on your dreams, the Universe and God are here to help us and what greater power do we need.


We always worry of the past, present and the future. Someone has financial problems, one has problems in their lives related to relationships. Husband and wife are not happy with each other, a son and a father has future oriented issues, someone has competition problems in the day to chores of life with machinery, factories. The moment you wake up in the morning, something or the other eats your brain and mind, you are unable to satisfy anyone including yourself. You are not happy with your self, you wanted achieve big, but fate has given you something other. You Worry and you are in great depression the moment you think of your worry.

What needs to be done to overcome your Worry.

A naturopath says, you are obese, you have diabetes, you have sugar, you have every possible health problem and mental problems, you have financial worries. You are fit and fine yet the problems you have, why?.



IT IS NOT THAT PROBLEMS DONT HAVE SOLUTIONS, WHATEVER IS YOUR WORRY, what ever is your problem, first BELIEVE THAT GOD IS WITH YOU, WITHIN YOU ALWAYS. When you believe that God is with you, You feel happy the very moment, you talk to God not of your problems but talk about how to solve your problems. Problems cannot be solved because there is an absence of idea, you need to have an idea, an idea however small it is, however big it is, believe that an idea can change your life.

1) Believe in God, he is with you always.

2) Believe you have Power to do anything.

3) Think positively from now on.

4) Expect the best always and you get the best always.

5) Discuss not the problems you are facing with others, but discuss about solving the problems with our close associates, mother, father, close friends.

6) Have a dream which you have to achieve in real life.

7) Think, think and think, what makes you happy, what makes your family happy, what makes your neighbourhood happy, then you will find answers, yourself.

8) Take a morning walk of 45 minutes daily breathing fresh air.

9) Do Pranayam for half-an-hour.

10) Take breakfast along with your family members.

This starts your day with happy notes.

1) Read success stories, read biographies of greatest achievers in life, Live in Spirit but not for bodily pleasures. You control your mind, then your mind controls the body. Overcome your problems in all areas of life through positive thinking and the law of attraction. The laws of attraction says you should have thoughts that are positive, then your thinking process starts to change.

2) God has given you everything in this life, not only you but every form of life that exists in this universe, even a rock has life. Smallest bacteria that cannot be seen through our naked eyes lives in this world, has its own routine of life.

3) God has given you LIFE to live on this Earth, Earth by itself is a life process whether you notice or not, without your knowledge, life goes on the earth in every form you are able to see, but also in the interior of the earth under this mud, where life form exists which are taking birth and burying itself within the earth.

4) God has given you AIR to breathe, in order to breathe, God has given you trees, without trees you have no way to live, because, you exhale carbon-di-oxide and that carbon-di-oxide is breathed by trees and Oxygen is let out by trees for you to breathe, you cut all the trees of the world, then there is no air for you to breathe, human life will perish the moments all the trees on this earth are cut.

5) WATER to drink, what is water? All forms of life in and on this earth, feel water, taste water. Water energises all forms of life on and in this earth. Water is precious, without water you cannot live a day or two. Water is more precious than Platinum or Gold, Water is pure form of energy. Water from canals, lakes, rivers, seas and oceans gets evaporated and the clouds give you back fresh water to cater to the needs of all forms of life process that exists on this mother earth. Daily morning without even brushing your teeth drink 1 litre of water, feel how your body reacts after few moments, each and every cell of your body gets energized, each cell of your body dances to its own music, feel it.

6) FIRE to quench your hunger? Fire of the earth, the magnum of the earth, the eruption of volcanoes, fire of the sky (lightening), fire of the stomach means hunger and the fire we use. Fire is the generation of heat. This fire which generates heat causes the opposite sexes of all life forms to unite be it tiny insect or a human being existing on and in this earth and to form a new life to give birth again which is a vital source of life to exist on and in this earth. The more pure and positive thoughts you have in your mind, the more positive energy (heat) if created, generated from within (that is fire of the body and mind and spirit).

7) God gave us ETHER the Sound. What is sound, ether of space, akasha, the medium of communication. Through sound came into existence the languages of this world not only of humans but also all other forms of life. It is communication. What is this medium which is carrying sound to understand / communicate each other in this world of all forms of life. This communication is the music of the hearts, it should be humble, pleasing to the senses of all beings.

Life in all its forms co-existed with each other from time immemorable, it is your duty to exist with them. Live Life to its fullest enjoying the resources of everything that God has given you. Remember one thing, you make use of it pleasingly such that your future generations too can enjoy this beautiful resources of God.

This is the power of mind, it can think positively, it can think negatively, positive thinking can only change the way of life………….it is upto you.

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